Monday, April 30, 2018

Played around until I got some Projects corrected here they are. Projects 8,9,10,11


                                                                        PROJECT 9

10 - Gradient Light

9 - The Cropped Letterform

Projects 10 and 11

Hi All,

Please see below for projects 10 + 11. For project 10, I made one image with one sphere, an image with 3, and an image with several using varying levels of opacity. I also inverted that image which produced an interesting perspective. For project 11, I made sort of a tunnel with a bright light at the center from the perspective of looking straight on, and also did an inversion on this image. I then made kind of a tunnel from upper left to lower right, and applied a bit of a gradient to try to show the light almost flowing through this tunnel with a lens flare in the background. For the last image, I used almost a 4 leaf clover/flower design, and made several variations. The first has darkness at the center, and the second is an inversion. The next image I used the liquefy feature with varying effects by playing with the brush pressure, size, and density. The last image is an inversion with a lens flare added in the center.

Hope everyone is doing well, and enjoying the course as I am!!


Monday, April 23, 2018

Projects 8 and 9

Hi All,

Below are my images for projects 8 and 9. I completed a couple different designs for project 8, and applied different effects to the colors. For project 9, I used the same design, however I used different colors and combinations of effects to create the different images.