Welcome to Two Dimensional Design. The class revolves around creating a portfolio of images in Adobe Photoshop You can download a free trial of Photoshop at http://adobe.com/downloads…Sadly, the free trial is only good for 7 days and after that, Adobe rents the program to students for $9.99/month. You can find Photoshop on eBay for sale with older versions, sometimes for very little money. If you go that route, check with me so I can check it out for you.
Photoshop CS2 is available free when you create a login with Adobe. Visit this link:https://helpx.adobe.com/creative-suite/kb/cs2-product-downloads.html?promoid=19SCDRQK#
If you have a Mac then you need to run this on an older operating system..."Mac OS X v.10.2.8–v.10.3.8, PowerPC® G4 or G5 processor"
Any PC will run this just fine and it has everything you need to complete this class... Adobe gives you a serial# that is permanent.
Photoshop is installed on all publicly available computers at Albertus...The Library, Rm 114 in the TAG center and 315 Aquinas Hall.
The first week will be about getting up to speed in creating your accounts and getting your software image editing program working.
We will also start small with the first project listed on the syllabus...
The Dot.
I host the syllabus on my website,http://jnevins.com. Take a look around there to look at my teaching philosophy, syllabi, portfolios of my own work, tutorials and more...
Here is a link to the syllabus for this class:http://jnevins.com/twodimensionaldesignsyllabusonline.html
There you will find links to each project.
Important!.... click on the link In the email I had blogger send you it will be from Jerry (me)... There are instruction on creating an account at blogger and joining the class blog... you don't need to create your own blog... just join the class one.. Here is a link to the blog:
We have five students in this class... put all of your work here on the blog. No need to put work on fotothing.com, if you have seen reference to it in the syllabus.
Download and install your image editing program...
Look over past student work posted on the blogs, linked from the syllabus.
I want you to have fun with this class and not get hung up on any of the technical stuff... Once you get rolling, you'll see it is fun and very engaging...
Don't hesitate to call me at home if you are stuck!
Jerry Nevins
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