Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Hi All,

Here are my images for project 14 on proportion. I used a few basic designs, and added different filters, and some layer effects on the entire images such as beveling and different embossing. Hope everyone had as much fun in this class as I did! Best of luck to everyone!


Sunday, May 6, 2018

Here are projects 12 and 13. I enjoyed playing around with the colors for project 13. 

Projects 12 and 13

Hi Everyone,

Please see below for projects 12 and 13. For project 12, I made the basic Celtic Knot design, then scaled it up. In the scaled up version, I stroked the circles with a red, white, and blue pattern at 20 pixel intervals. I then played with various filters to give the knots different appearances. For project 13, I completed the two basic tessellation images, and then filled them with the alternating black and white pattern to obtain the next two images. I then took the image using the straight lines and, using the same alternating 2 color pattern, filed the voids and applied different bevel and emboss effects to achieve the final four images. After dong the complete project, I noticed I missed copying one of the shapes to the bottom line resulting in an odd shape on the bottom. I guess this is a good example of what not to do! Hope everyone had as much fun with this as I did!

Saturday, May 5, 2018

14 - Proportion

This was an interesting.  I cropped out different square sections of a square evenly divided.  Each section became a different view of the same picture.  Different textures make it look like you can reach out and touch it.  The use of negative or positive colors in the textures make it look like they are dropped down or raised up from the image.  Shadows give the illusion of a light source.

13. Tesselations

I had fun with this project. It was a challenge to work with the triangles, but I like the result.